Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 2: 
Pylometrics -Omgosh, this is hard, but I WILL do this! 

I'm on able to do 30 minutes starting out, but hopefully I can increase that after a week or so. I started feeling my workout around 2am and today's burn was awful when I got into the reps. By the grace of God, I made it through and so can you. You can modify the moves, stop when you need, grab a sip of water, slow down, do whatever's necessary. I pretty much do all of these, LOL! Here's a video of my 30 minute workout! (Having trouble uploading the video on here and on youtube so I'll post it later) :)

Additionally, I thought you guys might like to know that not only am I on a journey toward physical fitness, but also spiritual fitness. Through the You Version app, I am diligently participating in a reading program on a daily 
basis that will help me deepen my understanding of God's word.        

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